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Reference: Dion , et al. (2012) NAMA Concepts for Bangladesh
Year: 2012
Institution: International Institute for Sustainable Development
Type of file: Report
Countries Covered: Bangladesh
Link: http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2012/nama_concepts_bangladesh.pdf

Extract from document: "This policy brief presents the results of a screening exercise to identify nationally appropriate mitigation action (NAMA) concepts for Bangladesh. Multiple government planning documents were reviewed and applied to IISD’s standardized NAMA quick screen process to identify NAMA concepts that could be further validated and turned into NAMA proposals for Bangladesh. In total, 18 NAMA concepts were identified. A next step would be to conduct more detailed analysis to first prioritize the NAMA concepts and then develop detailed proposals highlighting emission, cost and sustainable development outcomes for priority NAMAs. This document is part of IISD’s continued effort to promote low-carbon, climate-resilient development globally."


    NAMA Concepts for Bangladesh

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    Reference: Dion , et al. (2012) NAMA Concepts for Bangladesh
    Year: 2012
    Institution: International Institute for Sustainable Development
    Type of file: Report
    Countries Covered: Bangladesh
    Link: http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2012/nama_concepts_bangladesh.pdf

    Extract from document: "This policy brief presents the results of a screening exercise to identify nationally appropriate mitigation action (NAMA) concepts for Bangladesh. Multiple government planning documents were reviewed and applied to IISD’s standardized NAMA quick screen process to identify NAMA concepts that could be further validated and turned into NAMA proposals for Bangladesh. In total, 18 NAMA concepts were identified. A next step would be to conduct more detailed analysis to first prioritize the NAMA concepts and then develop detailed proposals highlighting emission, cost and sustainable development outcomes for priority NAMAs. This document is part of IISD’s continued effort to promote low-carbon, climate-resilient development globally."